Wednesday, February 10, 2016

The Crosman 1377 A true American Classic

CAUTION: Airguns are Not Toys and must be handled with Extreme Caution and Safety at All Times. Handle any Airgun as if it were loaded. Always keep it pointed down range or away from any people. Read all directions and cautions before handling. Adult Supervision is strongly advised. Make sure your back stop is adequate to stop any stray rounds or flyers. Never shoot at a hard surface as your bb or pellet may ricochet and strike someone or something unintentionally.
Why purchase the Crosman 1377 American Classic? First: It is very affordable at around $60.00 US. Second: The 1377 is economical to use, as in no Co2 or tank are required. Third : With the 1377's formidable 10.25 inch rifled barrel, it is also very accurate for any price range.  And another thing, There is a plethora of upgrades and custom parts available.  And in my humble opinion, that's the best feature of all.  And if that's still not enough, it boasts a claimed 600 fps max spec! That's 100 fps for each ten dollars spent. I guess you could call that, an excellent fps to dollar ratio!

The first upgrade was the Crosman 1399 custom carbine stock, it really helps me stay on target and keeps my old hands steady. As for the next upgrade,which is without a doubt the most important. I ordered a Crosman steel breech with a 3/8 Dovetail machined into the top. This breech made it easy for me to install a very basic Daisy Electronic Point Sight. Probably the best "under ten dollar electronic sight" you will ever find. And once sighted in, it's very effective as well. I know there are scope/sight mounts available that attach to the barrel. But I have never seen or read about anyone who kept those on their pistol for any length of time. So I just passed on that option altogether.

A steel breech is also a superior anchor point for the barrel. This will be a particularly important upgrade, should you ever decide to install a longer barrel. I would go so far as to say, The Steel Breech is the very foundation of upgrading or customizing your 1377.

There is a practical reason that the next group of upgrades came all at once. I wanted to install a longer barrel. This  meant I would have to upgrade to a Backpacker barrel band or modify the original. Well, I also wanted to upgrade to the Backpacker style pump-arm grip. I didn't want to take the  barrel band off twice, so I opted to replace the forgrip and barrel at the same time. I accidentally ordered just the grip instead of the whole pump arm assembly. This means I needed to punch out and replace the smaller roller pins that secure the grip to the pump lever assembly. Fortunately, I had been carrying around a Home-Depot gift card for months that still had 12 dollars and some change left on it. So for the first time in my life I purchased a nice set of punches. No more cutting off old screwdrivers or grinding the points of nails! The punches ended up costing me .81 cents over the amount left on the card.

Are these beautiful or what?  I am planning on doing a lot more air gun work in the future. So these punches will surely be put to good use.

The 4 X 32 Scope is off a Ruger Air Hawk  1200 . I tried to position the scope and mount rings where they would give me easy access to the bolt and receiver. If there is a legitimate gripe about the Crosman Breech it would be this.. The breech opening is kind of short. This makes it harder to load than it needs to be. I used to think that a rifle scope on a custom air carbine was a bit much. That is.... until I used it. Wow!  I like a tactical dot sight as much as the next guy. But I could almost drive nails with this thing!

This was at about 25' standing in a semi rest position. Hey it's winter here and that's about as far away as I can get in my garage. I can hardly wait for the warm weather to arrive, so I can see what this little carbine can really do. I have been using the Crosman .177 hunting pellets. But the JSB Match Diablo 7.33 grain fly real nice too. I also tried the Crosman SSP High Velocity 4.0 gr Lead Free. But they wouldn't fly straight. But this air gun is rated 600 fps max. Not exactly high velocity by today's standards. I am thinking with the longer barrel I'm probably exceeding the 600 fps mark. I do not have a Chrony yet. But I am definitely going to need one to assist me in getting some of my enhanced air guns dialed in properly in the future. A Chrony would be a good way to see how different mods are affecting the performance. I do have a birthday coming up......

The custom muzzle brake came from Alchemy AirWerks . I believe I purchased the 18" rifled barrel for them as well. You can find them on the eeeee bay. Real good company I highly recommend them. I think I'll be adding an adjustable trigger spring soon. I scrunched the stock spring and that softened the trigger pull a bit. But it is still a bit harder than I like it

The Backpacker style forearm grip also came from Alchemy AirWerks. There are a few reasons this upgrade was a must. First off, the original grip is much too narrow for my hands. This grip makes it much easier (and more comfortable) to pump the gun up to pressure. Also once I added the carbine stock which is black, it didn't match the original brown foregrip. It made the whole thing look kind of rag tag. I should mention that I also own a Crosman 2289 Backpacker. After shooting the Backpacker a few times, the 1377 wasn't getting much use. Now I equally enjoy shooting both airguns.

 In closing I would like to say that working on the Crosman 1377 American Classic has been a lot of fun, and educational too. I know all the upgrades and mods have made this 1377 a better air gun. It is now user friendly. And it is much easier to shoot tight groups. Although I don't have a Chroney, it is  obvious that the longer 18" barrel  has increased the velocity. I am proud to display my custom 1377 American Classic carbine. I would like to Thank all the You-tubers out there who made all those videos that helped me with this project (and many others). You guys are awesome!  Also thanks to Alchemy Airwerks and Magnum Airpower. And a shout out to Pyramyd Air the folks I purchase my airguns from. I appreciate that they are always willing to answer my questions. And when they don't know the answer, they really do get back to me latter. And thanks to you for stopping by. I`ll be publishing more blog posts soon. I'm out.  Shoot Safe, Hugh


  1. Do they make a .177 longer barrel ? I can't find much I just got mine in the mail installed the stock and I love it better then my co2 pistols but I'd like to add a longer barrel and scope any info will be great.

    1. Yes you can purchase a longer barrel on ebay.You will need to modify or replace the barrel band so the longer barrel can pass through it. You can find those on ebay as well. If you want to mount a scope properly you will need to replace the breech with a steel breech kit. Those can usually be found on ebay. They will offer it in a long or short breech. I prefer the longer breech as it makes a good anchor for the longer barrel. the new bereech will have a 3/8" dovetail rail machined into the top. that makes a good mount base for you scope.
